Board Certified Naturopath
"I've been referring Erin to everyone I know, my session with her was so therapeutic. I don't even know how to explain it. I've been gaslit by so many doctors, it was nice to know that someone finally has my best interest at heart and is not trying to shove meds down my throat or just tell me to lose weight! I can't stress this enough – if you're pondering whether to book a session with Erin, stop hesitating and do it right now. Erin has been a game-changer in my life, and I want to share my incredible experience. About a year ago, Erin shared some crucial insights with me that my regular doctors are only just catching on to. She had her suspicions long before they did. Thanks to her advice and suggestions, my son and I have collectively lost an astounding 162 pounds! Erin's knowledge is off the charts, and I can't thank her enough. What I love most about Erin is her holistic approach. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about embracing a sustainable, long-term lifestyle that fits you perfectly. No more falling for fleeting fads – Erin digs deep to find the root causes of your health issues. I can't stop telling everyone I know to book a session with her. Erin genuinely cares about your health, and she's on a mission to help you find answers and lasting solutions. The best decision you can make in 2024 is to prioritize yourself and seek her guidance. You deserve to have answers, you deserve to feel good and you deserve to be happy and healthy and Erin can help with those things. If you’re looking for your sign, this is it." - Brooke P.
"I don’t even know where to begin. I am so incredibly grateful for the work Erin put in for my little girl. One of my twins was 4 when we started working with Erin. I went to her pediatrician's office for 11 months to try and get answers only to get nowhere. I was at my wits end when she lost 2.5 pounds on top of all her other symptoms and was told 'she is fine'. I’d had it and had been following Erin’s journey into the holistic medicine world. I decided I had nothing to lose and booked an appointment. I’m so glad I did! Within 3 weeks we had all the answers as to why my little girl was so sick. After following Erin’s treatment plan she was a brand new person. Not complaining about any of the things she used to daily, she gained her weight back and she was sleeping better. The only regret I have is not working with Erin sooner. After I got her settled and healthy I started working with Erin on myself. I also had lots of things that needed to change and I’m feeling so much better too. Erin is the best around, if you’re thinking about working with her stop thinking, click the link, and schedule that first appointment, you will be so glad you did!" - Jenny W.
"Erin is AMAZING! She takes the time to LISTEN. She is fully supportive of my holistic way of approaching things and works with me for what is best for the total outcome. I am so grateful that she decided to step into this line of work." - Elise P.
"Erin has helped us get to the bottom of some interesting stuff. There’s still some work to be done but we are definitely on the right path for sure!" - Mandy V.
“Dr. Erin has been such an inspiration for me and helped me in so many ways. I don’t know how I could have gotten through everything without her. She has so much knowledge to help so many people!” – Cathy E.
"Erin's CBD oil has helped my husband sleep tremendously! He regularly sleeps a solid 8 hours now! I'm so thankful for her recommendation!" - Elizabeth P.
"Erin helped me so much with health challenges I was having as well as health challenges for my son. She was very thorough and shared so much information, and different resources and went way beyond. My son and I are much healthier now after following Erin’s advice. I would highly recommend her." - Cindy C.